Apocalipsis Eschaton

Fondoluogo hosts the premiere of Lux’s Apocalipsis Eschaton, a three-acts, ritual based tale of transformation and rebirth through death.
The apocalypse is presented as a tool that can bring us closer to our truest forms and identities, a breaking point from the old notions of reality towards a new understanding of the world.
The performance is followed by a collective Sauna moment powered by Nobodys Indiscipline. Bring a Swimsuit and Towel, there will be a shower.
Curated by Simona Coltello & Marte Livio
Via Privata Val Caffaro, 1
20.30-21.30 Perfomance by @luxaeterna___
21.30-23.00 Una Sauna by @nobodysindiclipline
Music by: @canova.studio
Video Artist: @jachi.j
Fashion Design: @evascarsella_
Graphics: @sperm.studios
Ticket required to enter. Limited Capability
EARLY BIRD ticket (discounted price) – 3€
STANDARD tickets available at the door – 5€
The event is open to everyone.
We ask you to respect other people and their pronouns, as well as how they choose to enter the Sauna.
This is a Safe, Queer, Transfeminist environment and disrespect will not be tolerated.